At Gretna Covenant Church we treasure membership. We also put a high emphasis on serving. The result of the two together is that members often serve alongside our ministers.
Reasons to be a Church Member
Become Part Of Our Family
The process of becoming a member at GCC is a simple three steps.
1. Meet with a minister to share about your life in Christ.
2. The membership request is brought to elders.
3. Corporate affirmation and presentation of the new member in a Sunday morning service.
When you become a member it provides you with several things that are unique to the church. First, you are committed to something you care about. (Heb. 10:24-25) Second, other people will be committed to you through all seasons of life. (1 Thess. 5:11) Three, You will have pastoral care. (Eph. 4:11-12) Four, you will have a voice and vote in leading the congregation. Five, as a member the facilities are available for membership use.
Membership Covenant
In 2015 Rev. Mario led GCC to adopt a covenant for membership. These nine points aid in reminding the congregation of what Scripture calls us to do in the Gospel community.
By being a church member, I affirm the following...
To work toward the vision and values of the church in making a Gospel-impact on the community.
To be a witness of Christ at all times with my family, friends, community, co-workers, and others.
To use the gifts God has given me in the service of the church and community.
To maintain the doctrinal beliefs of the church.
To support the work of Christ's kingdom and the local church with my resources, including time, money, and work, all with a spirit of gratitude and not legalism.
To attend faithfully the church gatherings, worship, events and a small group.
To work towards the unity of the church with fellow members and people in the community.
To humbly receive and give love and discipline in the church.
To follow the leadership and spiritual shepherds of teh church within scriptural boundaries.